Monday, April 27, 2009

A City of Sculptures

Cello Sculpture, National Arts Centre
Ottawa's downtown has been a place of many monuments and statues for a long time, and I've been noticing more sculptures in the heart of downtown lately.  Just a couple of weeks ago, I photographed a group of three angel sculptures between the Rideau Centre and the Government Conference Centre.  Last weekend I went downtown again, and found another scultpure I had never seen before -- a beautiful polished sculpture of a cello on a terrace of the National Arts Centre, only a stone's throw away from the three angels.

This is an incredible scultpure -- a polished reflective surface that almost disappears against the sky.

The shine of the surface, along with the lines of the sculpture itself produce some fascinating shapes and images.

This is a great addition to the NAC, and to the downtown.  I really hope that the NAC continues to contribute more accessible artwork (both physically and artistically) to the public.

. . . Rob Williams