Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cape Onion

On one of our cloudy-but-not-rainy days, we decided to see Burnt Cape, a seemingly barren peninsula, but with arctic plants.  We also wanted to see Cape Onion, beside Ship Cove, a community nearby.  However, my car decided to go to Cape Onion first, by taking a wrong turn.

Ship Cove Cemetary at Cape Onion

Cape Onion was a magnificant sight, with a three-way ocean view, rocky outcrops, and several small and large islands in view.   However, it was still mostly cloudy, but when the sun shone (however briefly), I took some photographs of the cemetary located on the cape.  The one house in the cove, evidently the doctor's house, has a fantastic view of the water.

After visiting Burnt Cape Ecological Reserve, we decided to return to Cape Onion for the sunset.
Cape Onion at Sunset.  Great Sacred Island is in the distance.

This time we were treated to a very windy but beautiful sunset.  Cape Onion was one of the unexpected discoveries that we love to find when visiting a location.
One of the rocky outcrops, with a view of offshore islands

Cape Onion and Great Sacred Island
Onion Island catching the last rays of the sun.

. . . Rob Williams